Bovine Osteopathy

How does this ancestral medicine apply to cattle? What essential knowledge and skill-set must a bovine osteopath possess? In which cases is bovine osteopathy effective? Here, these questions are answered.

Definition of Bovine Osteopathy

Bovine osteopathy is a specialisation of animal osteopathy drawing its strength and wisdom from the principle of the unity of the body. This means that it builds on the connection, tensions and blockages that exist between different parts of the body (bones, muscles, fascia, organs, supporting tissues). The entire animal is assessed during a bovine osteopathy consultation in order to offer the best possible care.

This practice helps breeders to optimise herd reproduction whilst also providing a helpful solution to common health problems that arise in farms. Bovine osteopathy can be practiced on all cattle (cows, calves, bulls, etc.), throughout their lifespan. It can be offered as a curative or preventative treatment. 

It usually suffices to carry out light manipulations to resolve the entire somatic dysfunction. The cooperation of the animal and the owner is always necessary. Cooperation is required from both the owner and the animal when manipulating the limbs and cervical vertebrae. The animal osteopath can also use a rope halter to help during the consultation. The breeder can also be called upon to help, if necessary. 

Bovine Osteopathy: What Knowledge Is Needed to Practice?

Bovine osteopathy is a manual therapeutic technique intended to treat or prevent functional disorders in cattle. In order to practice bovine osteopathy, the animal osteopath must master a certain number of skills and possess a great knowledge of the subject.

  • They must know the anatomical specificities of cattle
  • The characteristics of restraint
  • The etiology of lesions
  • To be able to establish an osteopathic diagnosis
  • Know how to set up osteopathic treatments adapted to the cattle within their care
  • Master all the principles of animal osteopathy (Tensegrity, osteopathic dysfunction, diagnostic methods, etc.)
  • Possess solid scientific knowledge (anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, etc.)
  • Master musculoskeletal sensitive, energetic and visceral techniques
  • Know the limits of animal osteopathy

You can also train to specialise in feline osteopathy, canine osteopathy or equine osteopathy.